Linux - Overview
Linux Kernel is a world wide used an known OS kernel. This software provides basic management for the components of a computer and the communication with the users. Providing a secure use and access for each component, hardware or human. It manages this by treating everything (in the software side) as a file, and each file has permissions for writing, reading, executing, among others.
Quality Attributes
- Availability A pack of tasks arrive, and they need to be resolved fast.
- Scenario description: Users/Modules are making system calls.
- Source: Module.
- Stimulus: Finish task X.
- Artifact: System.
- Environment: Heavy traffic.
- Response: Solve task X.
- Response Measure: No hanging time.
- Security. Program needs to read a file.
- Scenario description: Program needs a constant unmodified file with it’s values.
- Source: Executable.
- Stimulus: Read a file.
- Artifact: System.
- Environment: Normal Environment.
- Response: No reads/writes allowed on that file.
- Response Measure: Continuous and reliable system function.
- Usability: User needs to read a file
- Scenario description: User access the system and tries to read the file.
- Source: User.
- Stimulus: Show file contents.
- Artifact: System.
- Environment: Normal environment.
- Response: Show the file contents.
- Response Measure: Open the file, if the user meets the permissions.